Year 2
Welcome back Year 2! We hope you have all had a brilliant summer and are ready for a fantastic start to the new term.
This half term we are going to be starting our brand new topic, ‘Castles!’ In English we will be looking at the text ‘George and the Dragon.’ We will be replicating our own version of the story using personal experiences (real and fictional), and learning how to use description to tell a story. We will read the texts ‘Dragonology’ and ‘Dragon Post’ and use them as a stimulus for writing. As we begin to develop our knowledge of castles, we will produce our very own information text to show what we have learnt; focusing on using accurate sentences, organising our information correctly, whilst not forgetting our conjunctions and punctuation too!
In Maths we will be focusing on place value and securing our understanding and knowledge of this in different ways. We will be looking at ordering and comparing numbers up to 100 and will even be using some new mathematical symbols to do this.
In Science we will be discovering the basic needs of human beings and what we need to survive, whilst in Computing we will be becoming our very own programmer; gaining a deeper understanding of the term algorithm.
Our topic of ‘Castles’ will lead our learning in History as we consider, ‘Why were castles built?’ We will learn about life in a castle and the jobs people had, as well as the parts of a castle. During the half term we will visit Portchester castle to develop our knowledge and understanding further.
In Art we will be learning about printing and the artists who used print as part of their work; including Andy Warhol. The children will create a design and complete a print using a range of colours.
As part of our learning in Design and Technology we are looking forward to making some food items to enjoy at our medieval banquet towards the end of the half term!
We are really looking forward to a happy and exciting term with you all.
The Year Two Team