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Tweseldown Infant School

Tweseldown Infant School

King Charles' Coronation

We had a lovely time celebrating King Charles' Coronation. The children thoroughly enjoyed celebrating at school with their teachers, friends and families. We started off the week with a mufti day, we all had to wear red, white or blue (or all three!) for the colours of the Union Jack. The children then had their Beyond the Gate sessions, where parents were invited to get stuck in with helping Mrs Dear and the children with clearing the site ready for Summer. Mrs Dear had lots of parents come to help out with their gardening tools and they made lots of progress and the site is looking fabulous! They then finished this with the children performing a royal walk around the playground, showing their parents the crowns they have made from what they foraged for in Beyond the Gate, while showing off their royal waves that they have been practising. The children had a lovely picnic with all their friends and families outside, until the weather turned, then they had to take shelter in the school hall.

To finish the week off, we had a wonderful visit from King Charles!