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Tweseldown Infant School

Tweseldown Infant School

Year 2

Welcome back! How have we got to the Summer Term already? This half term the children will be completing lots of learning based on their new topic of Australia. This is a Geography based topic and so the children will be comparing Australia (Sydney), to a close city nearby (Winchester). They will be looking closely at different human and physical features found in the local area, and looking at similarities and differences between the two places.


In English, the children will develop their knowledge of recount writing and use role play to immerse themselves in the text, 'The Koala Who Could.' They will focus on character viewpoint and develop their editing skills. This half term the children will grow their story writing knowledge; writing their own stories based on the structure of a known text. They will also be developing their letter writing skills. Towards the end of the half term they will read non-fiction texts and use website information to write a factual text using the information they have learnt about Australia.

Our Maths focus this half term is measurement. This will see the children using a ruler, thermometer and scales to order, measure and compare different objects. They will also be looking at money used in our everyday lives. The children will need to recognise the value of each coin, add different combinations of coins together, and solve problems in a practical context where change is needed.

In PE, the children will be off to Hart Leisure Centre to start their swimming lessons! They are all very much looking forward to this and have not stopped talking about it around school with their friends.

This half term, Science is all about plants. The children will be exploring the school grounds and identifying what plants need in order to grow and stay healthy. We are very excited to be growing our own sunflower plants and observing their growth over a period of time.

For Art we will be creating our own Australian Aboriginal Art inspired by ‘The First Sunrise’ and ‘The Rainbow Serpent.' We will be using different techniques to portray different parts of the stories. We will be making our very own boomerangs and rain sticks; we cannot wait to show you these at the end of the half term!